Tuesday 22 November 2011

MMABLOGSPOT exclusive interview with "TUF KO Artist" Diego Brandao

This has been a pleasure to interview Diego I think everyone ive spoke to is a fan of the Brazilian KO machine he has entertained viewers worldwide and he promises more to come.Lets find out more:

How did you get into MMA and how old were you?
I was 14 when I started training Jiujitsu after my daddy died. This was a really hard time for me and my family. After just two years, at 16 years old, I took my first professional MMA fight. I never did any ammy fights.

Most people know you from the Current Ultimate Fighter Series Bisping vs Mayhem but you have fought some big names before this
are you surprised it took so long for you to get noticed?
Yes, I was surprised. But I think the reason I didnt get noticed was because these fights were never on TV so no one saw them.

How big of a influence on you have your family been throughout your MMA career?
They make me work hard to help them have a better life. I do this all for my family!

What tips would you give anyone who wants to become a fighter?
Believe in yourself and be yourself and be proud of who you are.

Your first fight to get into the TUF house it took you just 47 seconds to KO Jesse Newell, obviously Dana and the coach's were impressed could it have
gone any better than that? and was that the type of fight you wanted to show the world?
Yes this is exactly the type of fight I wanted to show the world.

Once you got into the house you got picked by Bisping, was that the team you wanted to be on? and how did you feel when you were picked?
I didnt care which team I was on. I just wanted to win and get into the finale.

How much did you learn from training with Bisping and his Team?
I learned to be more tuff in my head, and he showed me thru this experience how to be patient.

Your next fight took only 30 seconds to see you win by KO, do you think after that the mood in the house chanced and everyone thought O SHIT i don't wanna fight Diego?
Yes. At the beginning everyone thought I was just the crazy Brazilian and that I just got lucky with my first fight. After the second fight people started to take me more serious and give me more respect.

Obviously we haven't seen your next fight yet and will see it next week tell our readers why they should tune in?
Everyone make sure to watch because and Im gonna put on a great fight everyone will remember. This is the kind of fight I want people to think of when they think of Diego Brandao.

You seemed to make a close friendship with Akira Corassani, how did that come about?
He helped me calm down so I wouldn't go get into a fight with the other guys in the house. He won me over with his humor.

We saw you and Akira decided to teach a few people a few lessons on the show including your own team mate after he seemed to hint he was the toughest guy,
looking back would you do that again or do you think you may have been bit to hard on him?
I would do it again. This is me and the way I am.

You showed you train how you fight with passion and alot of intensity, did this cause any problems in training other than the ones we saw on screen?
Some people were okay with my intense training and others weren't.

If you were lucky enough to get into the UFC who would you like to fight and why?
I want to fight with the champion because I want to become the Champ

If you could fight any celebrity who would it be and why and how do you see it ending?
I would like to fight the Hulk. I see myself knocking him out and throwing him out the cage!

Most people will know who you are by now how has the fan reaction been for yourself?
I feel blessed and happy. They make me more happy to know I am not in this world of MMA by myself. I am going to keep interacting and talking to my fans no matter what happens in my career.

What does Diego do to relax when he ain't knocking people out?
I like to shoot guns. I also like to take my dog Sam Sam to the park and running.

What is the best way to contact you as a fan?
Thru my facebook fan page DiegoBoOMBrandao and my twitter @DiegoBrandaoMMA

Final question that everyone wants to know who are you picking to win the big fight Bisping or Mayhem?

I wanna thank Diego for taking the time to do this interview also my buddy Micky.D for helping with the interview, you can follow both these guys on Twitter.

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