Monday 11 July 2011

Sean McCorkle: Hayes crossed a line you don't cross

Sean McCorkle is known for working the message boards and the mike like few others in generating pre fight hype. Thus is was a surprise when upcoming opponent Mike Hayes turned the tables, albeit hamhandedly, saying "He's definitely going to be the biggest fighter I've ever faced. I'm not the best judge of his sexiness. He can't be too sexy, or his wife wouldn't have left him ... Since he can't fight standing up to save his life, I think we all know that he's going to try to get me to the ground. That is if he doesn't gas out on the way to the cage. McCorkle has the gas tank of an electric car, so all I'll have to do is survive the first 2 minutes, and then I'll be able to do whatever I want ... You're either a fighter or you aren't. I don't think he is. I think he's a big athletic guy who doesn't like to fight, and is only in this for the fame, money, and girls ... I know I'm better standing up. I know I hit a lot harder than he does. McCorkle is like a wrestler who can't really wrestle. The only fighter of note that he's ever beaten is Mark Hunt. And I think we've all been able to see since then that it was a fluke. The sun shines even on a dogs ass sometimes."
Below, Sean McCorkle responds bluntly on the UG
From: Sean McCorkle
Member Since: 5/29/05
Posts: 10018
Mike Hayes can suck my dick. Despite all my trash talking, never have I once gotten personal like that by bringing anyone's wife/family into it.....until now. There are lines you don't cross and he fucking crossed one. So for my part, fuck him, his whole family, and anyone close to him who's ever died.
He's going to find out what a "real fighter" is in 2 weeks, and what a gap there is between a local bar room brawler like him, and an athlete of my caliber. Bad news for you, Mike, shaving your head, growing a goatee, and getting tattoos doesn't make you tough. If it did, 1/2 the guys that ride Harley Davidsons would be in the UFC.
As far as the out of shape/cardio comments, if I'm so fat and out of shape, why was he too scared to take the fight at 285, even though I offered him 10% of my purse to do so? I did that not so that I can come in out of shape, just so that I could save myself the pain in the ass of cutting 20 lbs the week of the fight. I walked in at 292 against Morecraft and was the leanest I'd ever been in a fight.
I don't make excuses, I don't tap in fights, and I don't look like Stone Cold Steve Austin with Downs Syndrome. That's the difference between me and Mike Hayes.

Mike "300" Hayes fights UFC veteran Sean "Big Sexy" McCorkle on July 23rd at Championship Fighting Alliance in Miami Lakes, Florida.


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