Monday, 23 May 2011

Chael Sonnen has a brief Q&A with the Gal's Guide to MMA

Chael_sonnen_5 Former UFC middleweight number one contender Chael Sonnen has a brief Q&A with the Gal's Guide to MMA where he reveals his love for Husker Du, slaughterhouses and Charles S. Dutton

Feeling emboldened by Chael's email, we decided to throw the dice and ask him if he'd answer our "silly little questions".  Never one to turn down a chance to talk about himself, he said yes.  Love him or hate him, it's impossible to read the answers to these questions and not realize that Chael Sonnen knows EXACTLY how to cultivate his persona and push people's buttons.  He's gotta be one of the savviest men in MMA, and, while I'm still not a fan, I've got to admit that he's damn entertaining.

1.     When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to stay 10 years old, AND be President. Still want both. Want to play with that pretty red button on my new desk....... 
2.     If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
The ability to make my e-mail address invisible to Hack journalists 
3.     What is the worst way you can think of to have to spend an evening?
Answering insane questions sent to me by strangers
4.     Better for your ego: A big-boobed hot blond on your arm or a Ferrari in the garage?
What is your theoretical Blonde doing "on my arm"? Hanging on it? Biting it? Sleeping under it? Tieing it off, and shooting dope into it? And what model Ferrari? What year? What condition? 
5.     What song is currently playing on your iPod?
 I only listen to vinyl albums. Favorite song is "Cowgirl in the Sand" by Neil Young.
6.     What is your favorite curse word?
7.     Why do you thing wrestling is the Achilles heel of so many MMA fighters?
8.     What is your favorite movie?
"APOCALYPTO". I'm babysitting my two neices, age 5 & 7. We're watching it right now.
9.     Do these jeans make my butt look big?
See answer #7 above
10.  If you could only listen to one band/musician for the rest of your life, who would it be?
Husker Du
11.  Do you ever get in touch with your feminine side?  If so, how?
I've got my "Feminine side" upstairs right now. And my "Feminine Front", and maybe, if I play my cards right, my "Feminine Back". I'll let you know how things turn out.
12.  Which actor would you want to play you in a movie about your life?
Charles Dutton
13.  What would the title of that movie be?
"Inherit the Wind" 
14.  Who would you rather humiliate in the Ocatgon?  Michael Bisping or Anderson Silva?
Not really into the whole humiliation thing. You may need to go get some counseling. You're starting to freak me out. Are you wearing a pink dog-collar right now?
15.  Will you be my boyfriend?         
You’re proving my point. 
16.  What was your first job?
Slaughterhouse work. 14 years old. Blood, filth, fear. Like now.
17.  Would you rather be President of the United States or the lead singer of a rock band?
Your themes are becoming depressingly redundant. If you're out of gas, pull over. Don't wait in the middle lane for me to save you. You're gonna get wrecked.
18.  You just won $50 million in the lottery.  What’s the first thing you buy?
I would buy the website you work for and make you the Janitor for a week, then fire you.
19.  What is your worst habit?
Being patient with unimaginative people 
20.  Before you take us to bed or lose us forever, what would you like to say to the gals who are fans of MMA?
      Hi, Ladies. Enjoy yourselves. Life is short.

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