Slow start from both men. First exchange and both men land before clinching. Barry pushes his opponent up against the fence but soon gets reversed. Dirty boxing from the clinch by Beltran before dropping down looking for the takedown. Barry defends well and the referee eventually separates the two men. Barry lands a leg kick hard before Beltran rushes forward with a flurry of punches. Another big leg kick by Barry lands. A jab by Barry seemingly rocks Beltran for a second before he fires back with a flurry from the clinch. Beltran pushes Barry up against the fence and lands knees to the legs. Low blow by Beltran forces a short break. Barry stalks to end the round but nothing is thrown. MMABay scores the round 10-9 Beltran.
Barry with a big leg kick to open, and another. Barry lands a right hand this time. Head kick glances off the head of Beltran. Another leg kick by Barry. How many more can Beltran take? Another leg kick by Barry and Beltran rushes in, gets in some nice shots and pushes his opponent up against the fence. Beltran looks for the takedown and manages to get Barry to a knee for a second before grappling up against the fence once again. The referee forces a restart. Barry with a leg kick which is checked. Barry with a head kick, answered by a flurry of punches by Beltran. Another leg kick lands from Barry, and another. Head kick lands from Barry, uppercut by Barry. Crazy! A little flurry from Beltran but Barry lands another leg kick. Body kick by Barry. Beltran keeps on swinging though and turns it on as the round comes to an end with punches and knees from the clinch. MMABay scores the round 10-9 Barry.
Head kick lands by Barry as Beltran tries to turn this into a brawl. Another head kick from Barry lands. Leg kick from Barry. Beltran keeps moving forward but Barry keeps catching him. Beltran pushes Barry up against the fence and digs to the body with a hook. Beltran is getting off with some nice combinations as Barry looks lazy or tired. The referee bizarrely separates them and Barry lands the leg kick again. Two big leg kicks land by Barry in quick succession. Barry seems to have poked Beltran in the eye. Barry with another leg kick after the restart but a second it caught. Beltran fails to take him down and Barry unleashes a flying knee followed by a sickening kick. Barry gets the full mount before allowing the fight back to the feet. Head kick lands from Barry. Body punch from Barry. Beltran looks to come forward but Barry lands a trio of leg kicks to end the fight. MMABay scores the round 10-9 Barry. The judges scored the bout 30-27, 29-28, 29-28 in favour of Barry.
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