McKenzie out fast throwing hands before shooting for the takedown. McKenzie stays relentless up against the fence but Edwards returns to the feet in the clinch. Edwards pulls away and fires some hard shots but misses. McKenzie drops down looking for the takedown but Edwards stuffs it and gets back to the feet. Both men throw bombs with the hands before a spinning back kick is thrown by McKenzie. Edwards with plenty of footwork as he lands a hard leg kick and a right hand. The fight is settling into a kickboxing match which Edwards will surely win. McKenzie drops down as I say that, looking for the takedown but Edwards stuffs it. Edwards with some nice punches followed by a knee. Leg kicks land by Edwards before he drops on top of McKenzie in the full mount. McKenzie rolls and looks to secure a leg from behind. Crazy position. Edwards pulls free and both men return to the feet. Edwards lands some nice shots before stuffing another takedown and moves away. MMABay scores the round 10-9 Edwards.
McKenzie goes after it again to begin the second but Edwards soon backs him up with some big strikes. Again he pours it on and has McKenzie rocks with flying knees and punches. Spinning back elbow attempt misses from McKenzie, and another. Low kick from Edwards lands. McKenzie shoots in and momentarily gets the fight tot he ground. Edwards gets back up but McKenzie drags him back down and takes his back. McKenzie gains side control but the crafty veteran gains half-guard. McKenzie with some nice shots takes his back again. McKenzie with a flailing style of ground and pound from the back from a sitting position. Edwards gets back to his feet but is again dragged back down to the ground. Edwards winds up on top this time and moves to the mount position. McKenzie gives uo his back before securing the rear-naked choke. He’s out cold. Great fight!
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