Sunday 28 October 2012

Cung Le rules out retirement and TRT

Speaking via BloodyElbow. Cung Le said:
“You know, I never really thought about it. I feel that if other athletes have low levels, and a doctor prescribes it, then that’s their decision to make. My decision is that I’ve gone this far without it, so I just want to finish out my career without the use of it. If Rich decides to do it or not, it’s his decision. For me, it just doesn’t change the gameplan. My back kick won’t discriminate. It will connect the same way and do the same damage. I’ve gone this far without assistance, so why mess with a good thing? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” 
Le revealed the status of his contract.
“This isn’t the last fight on my contract. I actually have a six fight deal, so after this fight, it will be my half way mark. I’m taking it one fight at a time, and not looking too far ahead, right now. The crosshairs are on Rich Franklin, and nothing else.”

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