Friday 22 June 2012

Fedor Emelianenko announces retirement

Russian mixed martial arts legend Fedor Emelianenko has announced his retirement after knocking out Brazilian veteran Pedro Rizzo.

It took Emelianenko just 44 seconds to knock out Brazilian veteran Pedro Rizzo on Thursday, putting him on the ground with a serious of punches and then finishing with more strikes to the head.

"I think it is time I quit," Emelianenko said.

"My family influenced my decision. My daughters are growing without me, that's why it's time to leave."

"I made a final decision. This was my last fight. I'm leaving the sport for the sake of his family, for the sake of children. At this point I want to devote more time to his daughters", - the words of a correspondent Emelianenko "" Constantine Ustyantsev.

Fedor also said that no money will be able to influence his decision, but did not deny the fact that things can change, and he will return to the ring.

"All of God's will. I made a decision, but it is unknown how the Lord God to dispose of the further fate" - said Fedor

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