Thursday, 16 February 2012

MMABLOGSPOT- UFC Undisputed 3 review by Micky Dee

UFC Undisputed 3 OUT 17th Feb from all good Games Distributers
So our friends at THQ and UFC UNDISPUTED have sent us a copy of the latest game to review.
First things first a massive thank you to everyone who hooked us up with this game.
After UFC 2009 there was little improvement when UFC 2010 came out. It wasn’t till EA sports released their own MMA game that THQ stood up and took notice and realised that fans want something different. Like the way Fifa had to evolve when Pro Evo took over THQ has come back with vengeance.  THQ made the choice to wait to realise its next generation UFC game and boy has it paid off. The new Pride Mode lets fans of the Soccer Kicks and Head Stomps run wild in the Ring! The new submission system is a lot better than the old one. If you,  like many other were sick of getting beat by crap submissions due to some cheating shining bozo then the new sub system will make you very very happy. Thankfully THQ listened to the fans and asked what they wanted and implemented it into the game. So far everything seams slicker in the game from transitions to movement. They have definitely got the wow factor.
So let’s see if this is “As Real As It Gets” with fighters having their own unique entrances to the cage and into the cage aka Jon Jones cartwheel it looks very polished the fact they have introduced a button to do you characters signature moves is just what you want so for Jon Jones spinning back fist and elbow it’s as close as you can get to being Jon Jones unless you are in fact Jon Jones. The way the characters deal with different situations is a lot more lifelike for example the ground game up against the cage is a lot slicker that it’s ever been. Apart from them drug testing your character there is not a lot more they can do to make it more user friendly .
With so many different things included in this game it had not given the fans a full roster list to choose from but most of the well-known fighters are in there. THQ will be giving you the opportunity to download your favourite fighters throughout the coming year.
Like most fans you want to be in the game so the customisation has taken it to another level from logo creation to creating your own banner. The possibilities are endless and it makes for a totally unique gaming experience making you feel in control of the game. You can even choose what your coach does before you enter the octagon. Is this gaming gone mad or is it the full package and giving you the little details that make it a new product.
This is definitely a must have for any MMA fan and even people who just like Fighting Games. With The variety and extras they have loaded into this game it’s hard to see where THQ will go next?
Not only is this a must have game but I think fans will play this a lot longer than previous games with a massive emphasis on playing with friends and a longevity that has not been seen in previous MMA games.
All that’s left to do is follow your favourite fighter on twitter find out their Gamer Tag add them and finally be able to beat them in devastating fashion. Plus you can tell all your friends that you hold a MMA win over them.
If anyone has any questions about the new game feel free to contact our friends on twitter @UFC_Undisputed

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