Saturday 15 October 2011

MMABLOGSPOT exclusive interview with Jack'Stone'Mason

I want to thank Jack ‘STONE’ Mason for taking time out to do this interview for you guys that don’t know Jack he is a British welterweight fighting out of Tsunami Gym and holds a record of (17-9-0)
Unfortunately Jack has just come off a loss at the hands of ex UFC star Brian Foster at Cage Warriors 44 October 1st and that’s what the fans want to know so let’s hear what he has to say:

click for stats
You said you were very disappointed after losing recently against Brian Foster.  How are you motivating yourself for that next win?

Yes I was very disappointed, I put a lot of work into that fight and I came up short. I was training most of my 10 week camp for a fight against Chris Fields, he got injured and Cage Warriors managed to work out the match up with Foster with about 2.5 weeks’ notice. Coming off a loss is all the motivation I need to get back out there and get my next win, my next fight can't come soon enough!

You said fighting Foster made you realise how well trained and prepared the top guys are.  Will you be making any changes to your training and preparation?

Foster was equally clinical and brutal when I fought him, he had done his homework on me and had a good game plan. It made me realise there is very little margin for error when fighting the top guys as they are so well prepared as they live and breathe it day in day out.

I definitely think that having a day job holds me back somewhat and would love to be in a position to give it up and concentrate on developing my game to where it needs to be. That's my dream and I'm working on making it happen as soon as I can!

In the meantime I'm going to be working on tightening up the aspects of my game where I'm weaker especially my striking where I'm going to be working with an outstanding K1 coach.

I'd love to fight for the UFC one day but when I do get that opportunity I want to be sure that I'm ready to go out there and do damage so I need to make the improvements now.

I'm wanted to be as well prepared as guys like Foster next time out.

What’s your biggest strength and what do you feel you need to work on?

My biggest strength is definitely my wrestling and top game when it hits the ground. I'm very confident that I'd finish the majority of opponents once I secure top position on the ground.

I'd say my weakest area is my striking, I've definitely seen improvements over the past year or so with my striking but I've still got a lot of work to do on it. I've got big power in my kicks and punches I just need to start landing and putting it to use.

That's what I'm working on right now.

What do you do in conditioning to keep your energy levels so high?

My strength and conditioning coach Laurence Irving puts together some excellent programmes for me to follow and they consist of Olympic Lifts and lots of explosive exercises.

My supplement sponsors QNT help me to recover after all my workouts and I generally use their Amino Acid tablets and Metapure Zero Carb protein shakes to aid in my recovery process.

On top of that I think that eating a good diet, low in salt and sugar with lots of meat, fish and green vegetables keeps my energy levels high

Do you have an opponent in mind for your next fight?

I don't actually. Someone that's going to help progress my career hopefully but I have to wait and hear back from Cage Warriors as they are in charge of my matchmaking now.

If you could fight anyone in any organization who would it be?

I would love a rematch with Denniston Sutherland, I'm a massive fan of his but I think our last fight was so close that it warrants a rematch.

Any tips for anyone out there wanting to start out in the MMA world?

Just enjoy it! MMA is the best sport in the world right now, great for fitness, you never stop learning and you meet some great people along the way.

To get the most from it you've got to put the work in and its not easy!

Do you have any quirky rituals right before a fight?

Not really no, me and my team always get a pre-fight Nando’s on fight day though.

We do have a Tsunami Gym post fight ritual for any guys that make their pro debut though...they have to drink their first post fight drink from their sweaty groin cup.

How do you prepare for a fight?

 I don't really change too much from my usual training schedule to be honest, I just up the intensity a bit more and focus on training for my specific opponent.

I train twice a day, 6 days a week, varying my training between BJJ, Wrestling, Boxing and MMA. I also do two S&C sessions a week and fit in some running and swimming too.

I love to train so its not a chore to me. I hate missing workouts for anything!

What do you think about the recent press “cage fighting” has received and how do you think the general publics perception of it can be altered?  Do you think the names “Cage Rage” “Cage Warriors” etc help?

The journalists that reported on the 'children cage fighting' story should be ashamed of themselves. It was over sensationalised, blown out of all proportion and was irresponsible journalism.

It has definitely set the sport back somewhat here in the UK. Lots and lots of people that I know who aren't into MMA have asked me about it and it has given people some very negative thoughts about the sport. I wish they knew the truth about it all!

A lot of the general public do have some negative views about the sport which are unjustified in many cases.

MMA is a brilliant sport to be involved in and I help to run some local clubs in Essex where I live and I have seen how it has really improved a lot of peoples lives, not just fitness wise but has given people new friends, social opportunities and in a lot of cases new found self confidence.

Obviously the word 'Cage' in any promotion's name may spark some negative views in some people when they see it so obviously it could be argued that it doesn't help matters. Promotions such as Cage Rage and Cage Warriors are long running, reputable promotions and are a credit to the sport of MMA and I think if every promotion in the UK was as good it would do wonders for the image of MMA as a sport in the eyes of the general public.

And finally tell your fans at MMABLOGSPOT How did you get your nickname “The Stone”?

I have to give credit to the nickname to Dave O'Donnell, he came up with it and it stuck. I like it anyway!

Well we wish Jack 'STONE' Mason all the best for the future, hopefully with his dedicated attitude its gonna bring him big things.
I wanna thank Helen Parish for helping me put this interview together.
You can follow both these guys on Twitter!

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