Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Cage Warriors to introduce mandatory blood-testing

CAGE WARRIORS Fighting Championship continues to focus on fighter safety and raising standards within mixed martial arts in Europe. Going forward, we will subsequently introduce mandatory blood-testing for all of our fighters. 

“It has been recommended for many years now that all individuals who may potentially be exposed to blood in their profession, such as doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers, as well as police officers and firemen, should be tested for infections like HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and also be vaccinated against Hep B,” said Cage Warriors medical adviser Dr Rashid.

“Full contact sports are another important area where this should be considered and this is why the British Boxing Board of Control, as well as the UFC, introduced mandatory testing for all their fighters.

“This is a very simple and effective way of minimising one of the risks faced by individuals who take up full contact sports and I wholeheartedly support the Cage Warriors team in their efforts to introduce testing for their fighters.”

Cage Warriors Director Graham Boylan said: “The Cage Warriors team works for the sport. We want to bring everything that’s missing to the UK. Since the takeover last year, we’ve put in place our own in-house commission.

“Now that our research has concluded, it is now mandatory to provide your blood paperwork if you wish to fight on Cage Warriors Fighting Championships. No proof of bloods, no fight. If every other promotion in the UK also makes blood-work mandatory, we’re a step closer to where we should be.

“If you’re a professional fighter, you should refuse to fight unless you see your opponent’s blood paperwork.

“Any promotion out there that would like access to the information we’ve gathered regarding how to go about getting fighters tested, please contact us and we’ll gladly provide it. Cage Warriors is here for the sport and the fighters.”

Patrick Vickers, Director of Talent Relations at Cage Warriors, added: “Fighters sacrifice so much and really put themselves on the line, so anything we can do to protect them can only be beneficial for the sport.

Cage Warriors Fighting Championships now available LIVE in USA, Canada, UK, Ireland & Africa via the following TV partners:

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