Saturday 29 October 2011

Anderson Silva: Sonnen dosn't deserve to fight me

In an interview with O Globo's Marilia Gabriela, Anderson Sivla responds to Chael Sonnen's antic attempts to goad him into a rematch, which have included a staple of the pro wrestling world - the loser leaves town match - and a threat to break down his door and slap his wife on the ass. The champion was blunt, "He does not deserve to fight me."
"I did get to where I am by being arrogant or provoking people," said Silva. "His kind of provocation is tarnishing the image of the sport. There is no place for that in MMA.
"He did not do the most important thing, which is beating me. And he failed a drug test, which is worse."
"I thought about it, and I will postpone my retirement for a while. But I am interested in working in television."

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