Monday 1 August 2011

Strikeforce results: Did Herb Dean miss Bobby Green tapping out to JZ Cavalcante on July 30?

Photo by James Law via MMA Fighting

Veteran mixed martial arts referee Herb Dean is coming under fire in the aftermath of the Strikeforce: "Fedor vs. Henderson" event last Saturday night (July 30) from the Sears Center in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.
But it's not for his controversial stoppage of the main event.
Lightweight fighters Gesias Cavalcante and Bobby Green went to war on the event's non-televised preliminary card and "JZ" locked in a tight rear naked choke in the waning seconds of the second stanza.
But did Dean miss "The King's" tap out?
After the jump, we'll take a look at Ray Hui's play-by-play as well as Green's assertion that his arm-waving was "nowhere near a tap."
Round 2: Green sticks out double jabs. Cavalcante misses a big overhand right. Cavalcante dodges a punch and clinches with Green. Green tries to sneak behind while kneeing Cavalcante in his hamstring. Cavalcante drops to his back with a kimura. Cavalcante gets back to his feet and avoids a knee. Cavalcante with a right hand. Green actively jabs. Cavalcante has been looking for a the KO all night. Green clinches but it's Cavalcante who gets the trip takedown. Cavalcante throws left hands and passes to his right over Green's halfguard.Cavalcante takes full mount with 24 seconds left. Green gives up his back and Cavalcante works for the choke. It looks from watching the big screen that Green tapped but the bell sounds. Dean didn't catch it from his vantage point.

Did Herb Dean blow the call? has more:
Rounds one and three could have gone either way, but the second period was not in dispute. There, they exchanged takedowns, but Cavalcante made the most of his, as he transitioned to full mount late in the round and forced Green to his knees with punches. The choke came next, followed by the tapout, but Green was saved by the bell.
In the video below, Green not only argues against a second round submission, he also insists he was the overall winner and that a split decision win for the Brazilian is "bologna."

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