Thursday 4 August 2011

Fedor Emelianenko Cut From Strikeforce Following Third Straight Loss

PHILADELPHIA -- The "Last Emperor" has seen his last fight in Strikeforce.

Fedor Emelianenko will be cut from the promotion following his loss to Dan Henderson at last Saturday's Strikeforce/M-1 Fedor vs. Henderson event.

UFC president Dana White -- a co-owner of Strikeforce parent company Zuffa LLC -- confirmed the news following the UFC 133 press conference on Thursday.

"He's being cut, yeah," White told the media. "Why? Do you think we should keep him?"
The loss was the third straight for Emelianenko after an unbeaten stretch that spanned nearly a decade.

His loss to Henderson came at 4:12 of round one. Prior to that, he had lost to Antonio Silva via TKO and Fabricio Werdum by submission.

"You guys thought he was the pound-for-pound best in the world, but I thought he was overrated for years," White said.
The 34-year-old Emelianenko (31-4, 1 no contest) said after the Henderson fight that he would take some time to consider retirement upon returning home to Russia, but if he chooses to return, he will first have to shop his services around to find a new promoter.
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