Monday 30 May 2011

Search still underway in Arizona for missing MMA fighter Todd Whitzel

Search is still underway for 27-year-old Arizona professional mixed martial arts fighter and Rage in the Cage veteran Todd M. Whitzel, who has been missing for 18 days.
If anyone has any information relating to Todd Whitzel’s location or this case please contact Sgt. Alvarez at the Marana Police Department in Marana, Ariz., at 520-382-2000.

* Name: Todd Michael. Whitzel
* Height: 5′ 10″
* Weight: 165 lbs.
* Race: Caucasian
* Hair: Brown
* Recognizable features: Has an Ace of Spades tattoo on the back of head
* Last seen: 5-11-11 on a 2007 Harley Davidson motorcycle near Tucson, Ariz

Whitzel was involved in an altercation against two men outside a bar when a group of men from inside came out and joined in. At this point, apparently a gun was pulled by a friend of Whitzel’s to keep the crowd at bay, giving Whitzel time enough to escape on his Harley Davidson motorcycle with his friend on the back.

  according to the friend, Whitzel dropped him off at his home about four minutes away. He asked Whitzel to stay but he declined and said he needed to go. That was the last anyone has seen or heard from Todd Whitzel.

Whitzel’s aunt said his girlfriend made a call to his mobile phone at 3:01 a.m. early Friday morning, May 13. The phone was answered and she stayed on the call for 23 minutes calling out for Whitzel but all she could hear was the motorcycle, until finally, the bike shut off and she heard a dog bark but there was still no response. 

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