Thursday 5 May 2011

Big Ben expects UFC return this August

The UFC invaded Toronto last week in preparation for it's UFC 129 event at the Rogers Centre last Saturday (April 30). They also happened to host a UFC Fan Expo in correlation as well.'s own superfan, "Lesnar's Striking Coach" (LSC), decided he'd check in as a "reporter" and get some inside scoop on the fighters.
LSC happened to bump into veteran heavyweight and UFC star Ben Rothwell at the Shock Doctor booth during the festivities.
In our short, five-minute discussion, much was learned about his injuries and who he was suppose to face and who he will most likely will face this summer.

So here I am walking through the maze of people at the UFC Fan Expo in Toronto after a complicated "pay at the door B.S. scenario" that you find at most gatherings these days.
I happen to walk by the Shock Doctor booth and didn't notice anything interesting about it. If you must know, Shock Doctor is a mouth guard and jock protector company. Their products are actually amazing but I have about 300 of each product sitting at home or at the gym.
I saw who they had as guests: heavy-handed Duane "Bang" Ludwig and one I had to talk to, Ben Rothwell.
I know "Big Ben" hasn't be overly impressive in a loss to eventual UFC heavyweight champion Cain Velaquez or winning a decision over Gilbert Yvel but, I still love the guy.
In Minnesota two things are constant: It's (expletive) cold and we are a land of viking-like heavyweights.
I am in fact a larger guy than most, so I can relate with the heavyweights very well. I hadn't heard or seen Rothwell in any form since UFC 115. I had to know when the guy was going to be back or who he was going to face next.
I had met Rothwell quite a few years ago and he was less muscular but had this innocent child-like feel to him. He was one of Miletich's boys and me and Pat are quite friendly.
Big Ben pointed me out in front of everyone and said "HEY! I know you, HA HA." I looked around hoping it was someone who owed him money and not me who owed that money (LOL).
So when I finally got up to the podium where he was signing autographs I asked him (on the record) the following questions:

LSC: When are you getting back in the cage?
Big Ben: It looks like August.

LSC: Why didn't you fight Shane Carwin?
Big Ben: Cuz' Carwin didn't want to wait until August.

LSC: Who have they talked about you fighting in August?
Big Ben: They (UFC/Joe Silva) want me to face Brendan Schaub or Antonio Nogueira.

So it appears Big Ben may get a shot to take down the young gun or he will face a legend at UFC: "Rio." Either one is winnable as long as he trains properly, which in the past may have been his biggest lacking asset.

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