Freire shoots a couple of low kicks early but soon gets dumped on his back. Freire looks to secure a kimura but it gets away from him. Lowe postures up and lands a big right hand. More punches land from Lowe before Freire goes back to the kimura which looks much deeper this time. Body shots from Lowe and amazingly the referee stands them up. STUPID! Both men begin to trade punches and Lowe lands a big right hand which drops the Brazilian. Lowe dives on top and looks to go to work. Lowe moves to half guard but is soon returned to the full guard of the Brazilian. MMABay scores the round 10-9 Lowe.
Freire with a low kick early that misses. Lowe tags him with two big punches before he drives the Brazilian up against the fence. Knees from Lowe in the clinch as he looks to complete the takedown. The two separate but Lowe dumps Freire on his back easily. Freire with a triangle attempt but Lowe pulls up and dumps Freire on his back with a slam. Ground and pound lands from Lowe as he looks to secure another round. Lowe moves to half guard but Freire gets butterflys. The referee separates them again as Lowe looks tired. Freire with a low kick which lands. Another kick lands from the Brazilian. Big punch from Lowe before driving Freire up against the fence, taking him to the ground in the process. Ground and pound secures another easy round for Lowe. MMABay scores the round 10-9 Lowe.
Both men tentative to begin the final round. Lowe looks to land a straight left and does. Big left hook lands from Lowe as both men flurry in. Nice kick lands from Freire followed by a straight right. Freire is getting off with his kicks before Lowe shoots in and the Brazilian avoids. Freire shakes off another takedown and hits Lowe in the face while on the knees. Lowe bobs and weaves from his knees, taunting Freire in before exploding up and taking it to the ground. The two land on the ground and it’s Freire who’s on top and goes to work with ground and pound from top position. This is his chance. Lowe shakes him off and both men get back to their feet. Lowe soon shoots in and returns to the top position. Freire attempts a kimura but he lets go. More ground and pound from Lowe and another kimura attempt from Freire ends the round. MMABay scores the round 10-9 Lowe. The judges scored the bout 29-28, 29-28, 29-28 in favour of Lowe.
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