Monday 17 January 2011

Shinya Aoki considering hanging up his gloves for good following humiliating defeat at Dynamite!! 2010

In a shock report earlier today it appears DREAM lightweight champion, Shinya Aoki is considering hanging up his gloves for good following his humiliating defeat at the hands of Yuichiro “Jienotsu” Nagashima at Dynamite!! 2010 on New Year’s Eve.
This from earlier today on
Sources close to Shinya Aoki have indicated that the DREAM lightweight champion was contemplating retirement following his humiliating knockout loss to Yuichiro “Jienotsu” Nagashima at Dynamite!!
Aoki has clearly been troubled following the loss, going so far as to delete his @waoki Twitter account (although it appears that Aoki has started a new private account under the alias @jyotaronawo) after being harassed by Nagashima fans and has privately expressed an interest in quitting MMA to focus on his teaching duties at the Deep official gym.
Despite Aoki’s apparent depression, if I were a betting man, I’d wager that we would see a return of the Baka Survivor in 2011. FEG are currently undergoing restructuring and planning and we should know more about the future of the promoter and lightweight ace by the end of January.
Aoki went 3-1 overall in pure MMA competition in 2010, a good year on the face of it although he lost the biggest fight of them all against Strikeforce lightweight champion, Gilbert Melendez in April. Will this controversial figure in Japanese MMA return to the ring in 2011?

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