Monday 17 September 2012

Zuffa CEO Lorenzo Fertitta Sees India as an ‘Opportunity and a Challenge'

"That's a market that we think has a lot of potential, but we are literally starting from ground zero,"

"When you look at the trends of what's going on, and what I'll call kind of ‘youth culture,' and the way they're consuming entertainment, that younger generation is kind of moving away from traditional Bollywood and they're consuming more of western Hollywood type product."

"Everything over there from a sports standpoint is cricket, cricket, cricket, cricket," "They want alternative sports. High-paced, fast, action, all of those things. Well, UFC pretty much fits that bill, and there's nothing else really out there that we think does."

"The WWE is very popular there, and I think when the consumer first sees it, they're going to think it's WWE. I think a lot of people over there think the WWE's actually real, believe it or not, just because they haven't seen what is real. And when they see the UFC, they're going to be like, ‘Wow, that's real and the WWE is not real.'"

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