Monday 17 September 2012

GSP excited for new challenges at welterweight

It’s safe to say Georges St-Pierre returns to a whole different world than the one he left a year ago. “It’s a lot of fun. It’s like there’s a lot of new challenges and I’m very happy to be back. It’s like a new thing; it’s actually pretty cool,” St-Pierre told recently. “I feel a lot more motivation right now. It’s exciting. Look for bigger and better challenges.”
In his absence, St-Pierre’s name has come up often with the other welterweights in the division. Some have talked about him with respect, others not so much, but it doesn’t matter much to the long reigning welterweight champion. Talk or no talk, St-Pierre is looking forward to gunning for each contender, one by one, until he beats them all. “I’m going to hit as hard as I can,” said St-Pierre. “Regardless whether they talk bad or not.”

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