Tuesday 18 September 2012

Dana White Talks Fighter Pay

"Well we do, that is the guaranteed amount. That's the guaranteed amount. So here's the way that this really works. You hear about Manny and Floyd, those are the two guys that are getting paid the big money. You hear a guaranteed $26 million, you hear Floyd $40 million, he's betting $3 million on the game, and, he's money Mayweather, you know. The reality is if you look at this Dawson / Ward fight that just happened last weekend, I think (Ward) made about $1.6 million and Dawson made $600,000. That's a big fight outside of a Pacquiao / Floyd fight, and if you look at the UFC numbers compared to Boxing now, we smoke them. The card this weekend, .then when you look down their card, the numbers drop big time. When you look at a UFC card, the numbers are consistent all the way through. I'm not running around your question here, the answer to your question is, these guys obviously get paid alot more money than what you're seeing on things. They come in, they negotiate a contract, and there's other ways that these guys get paid through bonuses and incentives. In no way, shape or form is there anywhere in their contract that says they couldn't come out and tell you what they make. If Georges St. Pierre was sitting in this chair, or Anderson Silva, and they wanted to tell you what their last payday was, they absolutely, positively have the right to do that, there's no gag order on them or anything; they don't want you to know, they don't want anybody to know. It's no different than you not wanting your salary posted in the paper this weekend."

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