Wednesday 26 October 2011

Tank Abbott having NHB fight in Ohio strip club Saturday is reporting that David 'Tank' Abbott and Scott Ferrozzo will fight this weekend at an Ohio strip club, streamed on the Internet, with pre Unified Rules and obviously no regulation. Abbott and Ferrozzo first fought at UFC 11 in 1996, with Ferozzo winning the brawl via knockout.

Given the stellar state of regulation in Ohio under the direction of Executive Director of the Ohio Athletic Commission Bernie Profato, the likelihood of the bout taking place as described is miniscule. just got a text from a member of Tank’s camp saying “tank is officially fighting this weekend; funds have been secured.”

Tank Abbott will compete in an NHB fight against his long time rival from the dark ages of the UFC, Scott Ferrozo. This match had been rumored a few weeks back, but not confirmed by Tank’s Camp.

Tank’s Camp did us a solid by sending the info over as soon as it became official. Tank gained fame during the early ufc events and lost in 1996 via TKo to Scott Ferrozo. Tank now holds a record of 10 wins and 14 losses and his opponent Ferrozo has a record of 4 wins and 2 losses, but has not competed since 1997. For old school fans, this will be an epic match up.

The fight is taking place on October 30th, at:
Dixie Cowgirls Night Club
5500 north dixie drive
Dayton, Ohio

The venue is an old strip club and the dancing stage will be converted into a fighting cage.

The fight will be using old school NHB (UFC 1) rules. Apparently the fight is only going to be stopped if one man is about to die I’m told.

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