Saturday 14 May 2011

Cain Velasquez says Brock Lesnar will be back stronger than ever, thinks Shane Carwin is a great replacement

UFC heavyweight champion, Cain Velasquez has been giving his thoughts on the recent news former champion, Brock Lesnar has contracted diverticulitis for a second time, and on Shane Carwin replacing him in the main event of UFC 131 against Junior dos Santos.
Speaking via, Velasquez said:
“It sucks, but it happens in this sport. People get hurt all the time and pull out of fights. But he’ll come back, and he’ll come back stronger. It sucks right now, but we already have somebody tough coming up with Shane (replacing him).”
“(Lesnar is) the type of guy that will always come back stronger. You go back, look at the film, see what you did wrong and go back and work on it. But I’ve always thought about both (Lesnar and Carwin).”
As for the UFC’s decision to replace Lesnar with former interim heavyweight champion Shane Carwin, Velasquez said:
“I think (they made the right call), yeah. He was next in line, for sure. He’s a tough guy. I think it was a good call. Before (with Lesnar-dos Santos), it was wrestler vs. striker. Now it’s striker vs. striker – but they’re different. I think dos Santos is more technical and hits hard, but Carwin is a really hard puncher. You can’t pound him out. So it’s two hard hitters.”
Junior dos Santos and Shane Carwin square off on June 11th in Vancouver, Canada and so long as the winner is in good shape following the fight there’s a very good chance we’ll see the heavyweight title on the line four months later on October 8th in Houston, Texas. Stay tuned to MMABay for more on this as we get it.

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