How many punches does it take to get to the center of a Title heavy bag?
Beau Langdon, Title's marketing director, doesn't really know. A lot? There is, of course, a big difference between a cubicle dweller and Pat Barry. Not all punches are created equal. Nor are heavy bags. A bigger laboratory is required.
"I don't think we've ever tested that," he laughs.
The research and development chain leads to a few MMA gyms in the Kansas City area, as well as Title's own offices, where a few fighters on staff pick up the slack. They beat on everything that comes through the door including the gloves, pads, rash guards and everything under the combat sun that the company sells. They give notes, and anything that doesn't pass muster doesn't stay in the catalog.
"We don't have a full underground training bunker, but I think we do our diligence," Langdon said.
A soccer fan who's somewhat new to this MMA world, Langdon often gets schooled in what fighters really want. Not too long ago, a grappling dummy with eight handles on each side came out of the container, and he thought it looked ridiculous. It turns out those handles simulated grip points used to slam an opponent to the mat.
"We couldn't keep it in stock," he said.
Evolving with the sport
Since branching out from boxing and baseball into the world of MMA several years ago, Title MMA, the official store of, aims to improve their feedback loop so they can keep making products that hold up in the world's toughest sport.
The market for MMA gear isn't necessarily moving at breakneck speed. There are only so many bells and whistles you can add to the tools of the trade. But when innovations do arise, the company's goal is to integrate them quickly so as to keep up with the needs of its customers. Testing doesn't end at the factory overseas – it's a constant process.
That's why it can be good to be a fighter in K.C., and Langdon has a line of heavy bags sitting outside his office.
"There's still a lot to be said for where it could go," he said of Title's MMA products. "As the sport becomes more and more mainstream, I think you're going to see more competition. So it's critical that we strengthen our position and build those relationships early."
The company has also used its previous experience in the combat sports world to carve out a spot in MMA.
"You've seen MMA companies come out of nowhere with a nice little starting budget in marketing, but couldn't really back it up with service or the logistics to handle staying in the business long-term," Langdon said. "I think we're sticking to what our core strengths are, which is service, value, and selection.
"I would love to say 10 or 15 years down the road that Title was there since the beginning, and we're still just as strong as we were back then."
Getting the word out
You may not have noticed, but if you looked at the shorts of Justin Wilcox in the five minutes it took him to beat Rodrigo Damm at Strikeforce Challengers 15, you may have noticed the Title logo. It went quickly, but it was a proud moment for the company.
By design, Title hasn't gone ad-crazy. They aren't clamoring to get a post inside the octagon at a UFC event, and they aren't giving away product by the truckload. They feel their product is good enough that consumers will come back once they discover the product.
That said, every company can use a little help, and that's where the partnership with arrives.
"We're excited to be working with the team, and we recognize their status in the industry," Langdon said. "We feel like it's a great marriage of MMA news and MMA equipment."
It's been a long way to get to this point, but Title is enjoying the journey.
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